PSAT Tutoring Near You in the San Jose Bay Area
We provide the highest-rated tutoring service to middle school and high school students in the San Jose Bay Area.
Why Take the PSAT?
What is the PSAT?
The PSAT (Preliminary SAT) is a standardized test often taken by high schoolers as a practice test for the SAT or as a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program.
The PSAT assesses critical reading, math, and writing skills and provides students with feedback on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as a projected SAT score.
Does PSAT Score Matter?
While PSAT scores are not directly sent to colleges as part of the college admissions process, they are still an important tool for students in preparing for the SAT. With the PSAT, students can gain valuable experience in taking a standardized test, as well as identify areas where they may need to improve their skills and knowledge in order to perform well on the SAT.
In addition, high PSAT scores can also serve as a useful indicator of a student’s academic abilities and help them gain admission to summer programs and other academic opportunities.
Is PSAT Harder than SAT?
The PSAT and SAT are both standardized tests developed by the College Board, but they differ in terms of content, length, and difficulty level. The PSAT is typically considered to be slightly easier than the SAT, as it covers less advanced material and is shorter in length. However, the PSAT is still a challenging exam that requires preparation and focus in order to achieve a good score. Ultimately, whether the PSAT is harder than the SAT will depend on each individual student’s strengths, weaknesses, and test-taking abilities.
How to Study For PSAT?
Students will need to approach this test using a whole different learning approach. Most importantly, students need to overcome the broad scope of the test. It includes all the following aspects: Math, Reading, Writing, and Language.
In order to score high, students will need to show their capability in all areas of the test. In 2022, only 1% of students who took the PSAT scored a 1400 or higher.
What’s my PSAT score starting point?
< 1 min
How our PSAT Prep Program works
Schedule your full-length diagnostic test
This takes a minute and is free with no obligation to sign up
Take the diagnostic test on your own schedule
We recommend taking the test in one sitting and starting it at the same time of day that the real PSAT would be taken around 8:30 am – 9:00 am
Free consultation to review the results
We provide you with a detailed result analysis, score breakdown and discuss any questions you may have.
Fully customized PSAT Tutoring Program
Based on the diagnostic results, your target score, timeline, and availability, we provide you with a fully personalized SAT test prep package proposal.
MathTowne Test Prep Portal
Once you choose the package options and sign up, we provide you with log-in credentials to our PSAT portal. The portal includes over 2,000 practice questions with video solutions.
Flexible scheduling
We provide you with a complete schedule and program plan that covers lesson 1 all the way to the day of the PSAT test. Along the way, we are flexible and able to accommodate scheduling changes as well as increased or decreased need for tutoring based on the progress being made.
Adaptive Instruction
One-on-one lessons, assignments, custom quizzes, and areas of focus are adjusted session by session.
Regular full-length practice tests
Throughout the program, we administer full-length practice tests. This ensures students are building their test stamina as well as provides a measurable output to track progress. The detailed analysis of each test further guides our tutors on exactly what areas to focus their instruction on.
How is the PSAT Scored?
Each section of the PSAT 10/NMSQT is scored from 160-760, and 120-720 for the PSAT 8/9 (a brief overview of the PSAT 8/9 is mentioned below). The total of each section is added to get a student’s final score. The final score a student can receive ranges from 320 to 1520, or 240 to 1440 for the PSAT 8/9. Each question is weighted the same. Only correct answers are scored, so there is no penalty for guessing.
what is a good psat score for a freshman?
9th graders typically take the PSAT 8/9. PSAT scores depend on individual goals, abilities, and circumstances. However, the College Board provides average score data for each grade level. In 2022, the average for a grade 9 student was around 840 out of a full 1440 on the PSAT 8/9. For the same year, a “good” score in the 75th percentile was 970 out of 1440.
what is a good psat score for sophomore?
According to College Board, the average PSAT 10/NMSQT score for 10th-grade students in 2022 was approximately 900 out of 1520. A “good” score in the 75th percentile was 1040 out of 1520. However, it’s important to remember that PSAT scores are meant to be used as a tool for assessment and preparation, rather than a definitive measure of academic ability or potential.
What is a good PSAT Score for a Junior?
According to College Board, the average PSAT 10/NMSQT score for 11th-grade students in 2022 was approximately 980 out of 1520. A “good” score in the 75th percentile was 1130 out of 1520. Students who wish to be considered for the National Merit Scholarship must outscore 99% of test-takers, generally with a score higher than 1450.
PSAT to SAT Converter
While there isn’t a direct conversion between the two, the PSAT is designed to be a precursor to the SAT so the scores can provide an indication of how well a student might do on the SAT. This PSAT to SAT score converter allows students to enter their PSAT/NMSQT score and get an estimated SAT score range. Keep in mind that this is just an estimate and that actual SAT scores may vary.
What is a Good PSAT Score For an 8th Grader?
The PSAT 8/9
The PSAT 8/9 is a standardized test designed to help 8th and 9th-grade students prepare for college readiness assessments like the SAT. It is similar in format to the PSAT 10/NMSQT and the SAT but is shorter and covers content that is appropriate for younger students. It can be considered a practice-practice-SAT to familiarize younger students with the format and content of standardized tests and help them gain valuable experience.
Good Score For an 8th Grader?
According to College Board, the average PSAT 8/9 score for 8th-grade students in 2022 was approximately 790 out of 1440. A “good” score in the 75th percentile was a 900 out of 1440.
Understanding The PSAT Format
Reading Section
Questions: 47 multiple-choice
Time: 60 minutes
The reading section tests a student’s reading comprehension. Students will be asked to read and analyze 5 selected passages.
No point deductions for incorrect answers.
Writing & Language Section
Question: 44 multiple-choice
Time: 35 minutes
The writing & language section tests a student’s general knowledge of English language mechanics and conventions and overall writing skills.
No point deductions for incorrect answers
Math (No Calculator) Section
Questions: 13 multiple-choice & 4 free-response
Time: 25 minutes
The math section tests a student’s knowledge of Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Algebra with some focus on advanced equations and expressions, without a calculator.
No point deductions for incorrect answers
Math (Calculator) Section
Questions: 27 multiple choice & 4 free response
Time: 45 minutes
This section tests a student’s knowledge of Problem Solving and Data Analysis, and Algebra with some focus on advanced equations and expressions, with a calculator
No point deductions for incorrect answers.
What topics are covered in the PSAT?
PSAT English
The PSAT reading and writing section will have students read and analyze passages in the following categories:
- US/World Literature
- US founding document or text inspired by a founding document
- Social Science (economics, psychology, sociology, etc.)
- Science (Earth science, biology, chemistry, physics, etc)
Students will be expected to show capabilities in the following:
- Finding evidence in the text
- Use of context clues to define word meaning
- Accurately analyzing and interpreting data
For the PSAT Writing section, students will also be expected to show an understanding of standard English conventions (grammar) and expression (style).
The PSAT math section will include the following:
- Basic Algebra
- Problem-Solving and Data Analysis
- Passport to Advanced Math, which will ask you to manipulate complex equations
Students will be expected to show capabilities in the following:
- Solving equations and inequalities
- Translating word problems to math equations
- Interpreting graphs and charts
Only a maximum of 10% of the test will cover Geometry and Trigonometry questions. These questions will only be basic questions on these subjects.
For the past months, I have been receiving tutoring lessons from Anh. When we had our first lesson, I was failing math, my grade was dropping by every class. 2 months in and I’m at an A. Thank you for all your help!
– Eli

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the average PSAT score on the first time?
The average PSAT test score in 2022 was approximately 1010. The breakdown for that score is with 50th percentile of approximately 490 – 520 in the math and reading/writing section.
To become a National Merit Semifinalist, a score of 1450, or in the 99th percentile, is required.
What is the best PSAT tutoring program?
Broadly speaking there are numerous venues for PSAT tutoring available online. It is a matter of finding what works for you. One factor for tutoring programs is to find one that ensures a personalized approach to learning. Ideally, the best tutoring program for you would be one that is tailored to your specific needs.