Welcome to Our ACT Pop Quiz!

Test your knowledge with free ACT sample questions in just a few minutes. Perfect for test prep or fun!

ACT pop quiz for students and parents

ACT Pop Quiz

Whether you’re a high school student preparing for college admissions or a concerned parent looking to support your child’s academic success, this quiz is an excellent tool for testing your knowledge and gauging your preparedness for the ACT test. As you take this short quiz, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your critical thinking and problem-solving skills, hone your test-taking abilities, and identify areas where you may need additional review.

The quiz contains one question from each section of the ACT test:

  • 1 from English
  • 1 from Math
  • 1 from Reading
  • 1 from Science

We understand that the ACT test can be a daunting task for many students. That’s why we’ve created this ACT pop quiz to help you get an initial sense of the types of questions that will be on the test. With a focus on topics and concepts commonly covered on the ACT test, this quiz will help you familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions you can expect to encounter.

Know what you want to work on? Check out our specific tips for each section:

Looking for a longer ACT Practice Test?

< 1 min