Get Help From a Private AP european History Tutor

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students studying with AP European history tutors.

Why Find An AP European History tutor?

students studying with a ap euro tutor.

Is AP European History Hard?

AP European History is known to be one of the more challenging AP courses due to its broad scope and depth of material. The course covers over 500 years of European history, from the Renaissance to the present day, including political, social, economic, and cultural developments. Students need to not only memorize facts but also analyze historical events, trends, and documents to form well-supported arguments.

However, while it can be difficult, it’s definitely manageable with the right approach! The key to success in AP European History lies in strong study habits, consistent review of material, and developing analytical skills. Our tutoring services focus on breaking down complex topics and providing students with the tools they need to succeed, regardless of their starting point.

Common Challenges Students Face

  1. Overwhelming Amount of Material: One of the most common challenges students face is the sheer volume of content. From the Renaissance to contemporary Europe, there’s a lot of ground to cover. Many students struggle to keep up with the pace of the course which can widen gaps in understanding.
  2. Analyzing Primary Sources: AP European History places a strong emphasis on document analysis. Whether it’s the Document-Based Question (DBQ) or the Short Answer Questions (SAQs), students need to be able to evaluate historical sources and use them to support their arguments. This requires not just knowledge of the content, but critical thinking skills.
  3. Essay Writing: Writing well-structured essays is a major component of the AP exam, yet many students struggle with this. Whether it’s the Long Essay Question (LEQ) or the DBQ, students must be able to present clear, concise arguments supported by historical evidence. Learning to write under time constraints and structuring essays effectively are key skills we focus on in our tutoring sessions.
  4. Connecting Themes Across Periods: Students often find it challenging to connect themes across different periods of European history. Recognizing the continuity and change over time, as well as comparing different historical events and trends, is a major part of the course and on the exam.

By addressing these common challenges in our tutoring sessions, we help students build the skills and confidence they need to excel in AP European History.

one-on-one AP European History Tutoring

AP European History Help

Our tutors help students tackle the vast content of AP European History by offering tailored study guides, timelines, and concise summaries. Focusing on key events, movements, and figures helps students understand how different historical periods are interconnected. We guide students through challenging concepts, improve their essay writing and document analysis skills, to ensure they’re well-prepared for the AP exam. Our approach makes the content more manageable and fosters a deeper interest in European history.

Essay Help

Our tutors assist students in refining key aspects such as the organization, clarity, and analytical depth of an essay. We also provide practice essays and prompts to familiarize students with the expectations of the AP exam and to sharpen their writing skills. Through targeted support and resources, our tutors boost students’ confidence in their writing and prepare them to excel in AP European History.

Big-Picture Thinking

AP European History isn’t just about memorizing dates or facts; it’s about understanding the larger trends and patterns that have shaped Europe over time. Our tutors help students focus on these big-picture ideas, guiding them to recognize historical themes, connections, and shifts in thinking across periods. We teach students how to analyze key movements and events, encouraging them to think like historians rather than simply recalling details. By helping students grasp the broader context and develop analytical skills, we ensure they are well-prepared for the exam’s emphasis on critical thinking over rote memorization.

In-Home and Online Tutoring

MathTowne offers flexible tutoring options to suit the needs of all of our students. Our tutors can provide in-home tutoring services, which allow students to receive one-on-one instruction in the comfort of their own homes. For those who prefer a virtual learning environment, we offer online tutoring services that provide students with the convenience of accessing their tutors from anywhere with an internet connection.

Our facility also offers in-person tutoring services, where students can work directly with their tutors in a distraction-free environment. No matter which option students choose, they will receive the same high-quality instruction and support from our experienced tutors.

I’m very satisfied with the progress my son had with Math Towne. The staff was very friendly and helpful. They help us a lot with planning my son’s study plan, and there’s been a noticeable improvement in this school work and motivation!

– Mei Lin

What is the AP European HIstory Exam?

What is the AP European History Exam?

The AP European History Exam is an advanced placement test that assesses a student’s understanding of European history from the Renaissance to the present day. The exam includes multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and essays that emphasize critical thinking, historical reasoning, and writing skills, and students are expected to connect themes and events throughout European history.

This exam is typically taken by high school students who have completed an AP European History course and is used to determine college credit for the course. Preparing for the AP European History Exam requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and strong critical thinking skills.

How is the AP European History Exam scored?

The AP European History Exam is scored on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest possible score.

  • The multiple-choice section accounts for 40% of the overall score,
  • The short answer questions are 20%.
  • The free-response section accounts for the remaining 40%.
  • The essays are scored on a rubric that evaluates the student’s ability to develop a thesis, use evidence to support their arguments, and demonstrate their understanding of historical concepts.

Students who score a 3 or higher on the exam may be eligible for college credit or advanced placement in college courses.

How long is the AP European History exam?

The AP European History Exam is a lengthy exam that typically lasts for 3 hours and 15 minutes.

The exam includes a 55-minute multiple choice section, a 40-minute short answer section, and a 1 hour and 40-minute free-response section, which consists of three essays and four short answer questions.

It’s important for students to manage their time effectively during the exam to ensure they have enough time for each section and question.


To prepare for the AP European History Exam, students need to have a deep understanding of historical events and the ability to analyze and connect them.

Students should be able to develop arguments based on historical evidence and demonstrate their critical thinking skills. It’s important to review key concepts and historical events, practice writing essays and short answer questions, and understand the scoring rubric.

With a strong understanding of the subject matter and effective test-taking strategies, students can feel confident and prepared for the AP European History Exam.

AP European History Exam Format

section 1A

Multiple choice 

Consists of a total of 55 multiple-choice questions.

Students are given 55 minutes to complete the section.

It is worth 40% of the total AP Exam Score.

  • Questions formatted in sets of 3-4 questions
  • Skills tested: the ability to analyze historical texts, interpretations, and evidence
  • Expect primary & secondary sources, images, graphs, and maps

section 1B

Short answer 

Consists of a total of 3 short answer questions. Students are given 40 minutes to complete the section. It is worth 20% of the total AP Exam Score.

  • Skills tested: the ability to analyze a historian’s interpretation, historical sources, and propositions
  • Expect texts, images, graphs, or maps
  • Section Structure:
    • Question 1: (required) includes 1 or 2 secondary sources, focuses on the time between 1600 and 2001
    • Question 2: (required) includes 1 primary source, focuses on the time between 1600 and 2001
    • Question 3 OR 4: (two options given, the student is required to either Question 3 or 4 to answer) Question 3 focuses on the time period between 1450 to 1648 and/or 1648 to 1815. Question 4 focuses on the time period between 1815 to 1914 and/or 1914 to the present. No sources provided for these questions

Section 2


Document-Based Question (DBQ) – time recommended 1 hour (15 mins reading, 45 mins writing)

  • Students are provided 7 documents (written, quantitative, or visual materials) to assess
  • Skills Tested: the ability to create an argument supported by evidence (documents or external)
  • Focuses on the time period between 1600 and 2001

It is worth 25% of the total AP Exam Score.

Section 2B

Long essay

Long Essay Question (LEQ) – time recommended 40 mins

  • Student provided 3 prompts – option 1 (1450-1700), option 2 (1648-1914), or option 3 (1815-2001)
  • Skills Tested: the ability to analyze significant issues in world history and make a supported argument

It is worth 15% of the total AP Exam Score.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I prepare for the AP European History exam?

What topics are covered in AP European History?

For college applications, should I take AP Euro, AP US History, or AP World History?

How do I write a good DBQ on the AP European History exam?

What are the most important topics on the AP European History exam?

The most important topics on the AP European History exam include the Renaissance and Reformation, which highlight cultural and religious transformations; Absolutism and Constitutionalism, focusing on the rise of absolute monarchies and constitutional states; Enlightenment ideas and their influence on the French and American Revolutions; the Industrial Revolution and its societal impacts; Nationalism and the unification of Germany and Italy; the causes and consequences of World War I and World War II, including the interwar period; and the Cold War’s effects on Europe, the formation of the European Union, and contemporary issues. Understanding these key areas will provide a comprehensive foundation for the exam.